In order to be the best, you need to learn from the best.
For over 35 years, we’ve prepared students for a bright future in the music industry. And we’re proud to have some of the music industry’s most experienced and talented lecturers on-board at every college to guide you on your journey towards a career you’ll love.
Have a look through our inspirational lecturers below and see who you’ll be studying under.
Sue teaches Vocals at BIMM Music Institute Manchester. She has been working professionally in the music…
Sue teaches the Postgraduate MA in Learning and Teaching in the Creative Industry. She began performing from…
Suzanne teaches Vocals at BIMM Music Institute Birmingham. She is a professional singer and vocal coach…
Svetlana teaches Bass at BIMM Music Institute London. She is a professional musician and educator who…
I've been working on and running events for over 20 years, starting out in Serbia when…
Tim Bradshaw is a multi instrumentalist, teacher and songwriter who trained at the Royal College of…
Tim teaches the Postgraduate MA in Learning and Teaching in the Creative Industries at BIMM Music…
Tim teaches Drums at BIMM Music Institute Berlin. He graduated in jazz and pop music in Frankfurt…
Tim spent many years as a full-time drummer, performing and recording in an eclectic range of…