Matt Knight

Sales Manager - Roland Europe

Since completing a Diploma in Guitar back in 2007, Matt has moved into the dynamic world of product development and sales at one of the most well-known guitar product brands in the world – BOSS.

Matt’s official title at the Roland Corporation subdivision is ‘European Product Sales Manager for Boss Guitar Products at Roland Europe’. The role takes him worldwide, including a recent trip to BOSS HQ in Japan, where he worked alongside the global marketing team in product development. There, his opinions directly influenced products which will later be utilised by musicians all over the world! He still remembers his time at BIMM Music Institute.

“While I was never the greatest player, I listened hard to the lessons that weren’t just about the fretboard, taking notes in Business classes about how people have succeeded without becoming global superstars.”

He listened well! We wish Matt every success with his career and look forward to seeing how it progresses.  

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