Publishing Masterclass Connects Students With The Best

24 November, 2014

One of our main goals at BIMM is to connect its students with key members of the music industry.

BIMM London strives to bring in high-profile practitioners. That’s exactly the calibre of guest we had in last Thursday, when we launched our new series of termly publishing panels.

They’re running in association with top music publisher Manners McDade and musician’s charity Help Musicians UK and will help BIMM London’s students fully understand this vital area of the music business.

At the panel were Davy Wales and Andy Ellis from copyright and performer’s rights collection services PPL and PRS For Music, as well as Catherine Manners and Harriet Wybor from Manners McDade Publishing and Artist Management.

BIMM students asked them some great questions about music publishing, copyright, royalty collection and sync deals, and learned how they can make money from their original music and protect their copyright.

Catherine Manners left the students in no doubt as to how important copyright is to them, saying: When considering whether someone will ever claim that youve plagiarised their song, remember: where theres a hit, theres a writ.

Students were keen to learn, and have a great extra incentive to attend: those who go to all of the panels will get the opportunity to perform at June’s final panel event in front of some of the industry’s most prominent publishers, managers and labels.

In the future, our panels will be covering artist funding, and looking at the publishing industry from the perspective of the artist.

We really believe that the combination of support from music industry practitioners with experience of the real-world industry is what sets our students apart. it probably explains why a remarkable 79% of the BIMM Institute’s students go on to work in the music industry!

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