BIMM colleges celebrate University Mental Health Day 2023

9 March, 2023

Thursday 9th March is University Mental Health Day – a day for student mental health reflection, bringing together the university community to make mental health a country-wide priority and to create ongoing change to the future of student mental health.

University Mental Health Day is run jointly by Student Minds and the University Mental Health Advisors Network (UMHAN). Students Minds is a UK-based student mental health charity that helps to empower students to look after their own mental health, ​support others and create change. UMHAN is a network of mental health specialists working in the higher and further education sectors, providing support to students experiencing mental health difficulties.

BIMM University is getting involved in a big way, with events and activities taking place across all our colleges. Here are some examples:

  • Performers College and Screen & Film School Birmingham are holding a joint coffee morning for students and staff.
  • ICTheatre Manchester are doing a ‘today I’m grateful for’ post-it wall and giving away free fruit.
  • Screen & Film School Brighton are putting on a free supermarket.
  • BIMM Bristol are doing a stall with free well-being goody bags and hosting other well-being activities.
  • Performers College Essex are planting sunflower seeds to grow, decorating biscuits, and hosting activity groups.
  • BIMM Brighton are filming a short video with the Student Support team, highlighting how they look after their mental health as well as running a pop-up at their main teaching buildings with resources and free fruit.
  • BIMM Birmingham have a therapy dog visiting college and are giving out well-being goodie bags at reception, along with group well-being sessions.


Mark Lewis, Group Head of Safeguarding and Well-being, added:

“Taking time to look after our mental health and supporting those around us is so so important, not just today but every day. University Mental Health Day is a fantastic opportunity to raise awareness, engage with each other and show that we care – here, at BIMM University we’re putting mental health and well-being first, and it’s great to see so many students and staff getting involved by holding activities, coming together and supporting each other. In a recent Student Minds survey, over half of the students surveyed said they have a current mental health issue – if you, or a friend, are struggling, please do not hesitate to contact your Student Support team. They are here for you.”

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