Harriette Mullen Performs on All Together Now

6 February, 2018

BIMM Brighton alumnus Harriette Mullen will appear on BBC 1 this weekend as a contestant on the brand new music talent show “All Together Now”. The series, which aired for the first time at the beginning of 2018, features various artists performing to a panel of music industry experts including ex-Spice Girl Geri Horner, who are collectively known as “the 100”.

Harriette graduated with a BA (Hons) in Professional Musicianship – Vocals in 2015 from BIMM Brighton and has also enjoyed varied experiences onstage in musical theatre productions, radio appearances and television shows. She has described her upcoming appearance on the show as “a career highlight for sure!”

The format for the series is simple. Performers sing their chosen cover song in front of “the 100” and if they like what they hear, they hit their buzzers, start dancing and sing along. The more who join in, the higher the contestant scores and only the highest scorers remain in the competition. Those artists who make it through to the series finale will compete for a grand prize of £50,000. Harriette recalls the experience of featuring on the brand new show, which is hosted by comedian Rob Beckett.

“I had an amazing time throughout the whole process. Both Remarkable TV & the BBC were fantastic companies to work with. From their production assistants to researchers to crew – the whole team were routing for us and were willing us to do well! The atmosphere was definitely one of positivity.

Leading up to the day of filming, we spent the day in wardrobe, trialling hair & make up, working with choreographers, as well as some of the industries’ finest vocal coaches. We workshopped my chosen track in a pre-production session, changing the key of my song, altering the arrangement and even creating a bespoke backing track! Afterwards, we sound-checked our chosen songs on the stage in the studio in costume; practising our introductions and stage choreography to camera. As soon as those lights hit the stage it all felt very real!”

Harriette decided to channel BIMM’s visiting faculty vocal tutor Carleen Anderson with her song choice, hailing her as a huge inspiration and a big influence on her own vocal style.

“I was thankful that I was able to sing one of my favourite songs, in my own style – allowing myself to be 100% me on stage. It will definitely be an exciting & a dramatic episode, jam packed with talent! I’d like to thank the BBC & Remarkable TV very much for the opportunity.”

We look forward to hearing Harriette’s performance for ourselves when the second episode of “All Together Now” airs on February 10 at 7.15pm on BBC 1.

BIMM alumnus Larissa Eddie also features on the show at a member of “the 100” judging panel. Read about her story here.

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