Governance Framework

BIMM’s University’s governance framework has been developed and refined over the years to ensure the application of the highest standards of academic and corporate governance to protect and enhance student interest. This framework is best represented as a series of committees, each with its own clearly defined composition and terms of reference, which are reviewed regularly.

BIMM University 2024 Governance Framework Organogram

The “Governance Infrastructure” document below sets out the Terms of Reference and Composition currently in place for each committee.

Each committee meets regularly and, where relevant, minutes and action plans are published to students and staff. The effectiveness of each committee and our Governance Framework as a whole is reviewed regularly.

An effective governance structure helps ensure that BIMM University is properly governed and regulated and has adopted the CUC Higher Education Code of Governance. This is also an important condition of our registration with the Office for Students.

A Governance Handbook is also in place to guide colleagues’ who support governance processes at BIMM University, see below.


Governance Infrastructure (PDF)

BIMM University Governance Handbook (PDF)

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